2025 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Visualization

Journal Recommendation

Call for Papers for the Special lssue " Scene Understanding for Autonomous Robotics"


Guest Editor: Prof. Jianjun Ni

College of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Hohai University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China.

Email: njjhhuc@gmail.com

Special Issue Introduction

Autonomous robots have developed rapidly recently and are used for some specific scenarios such as urban search and rescue, home cleaning, etc. The expansion of robot application scope requires that the functions of robots are no longer limited to mechanized or programmed operation, narrow human-computer interaction, etc. It is expected that intelligent robots can realize autonomous working by perceiving the surrounding environment, and realize the interaction between robot, human, and environment. Thus, how to make robots understand the scenes like people has become a hot research topic. Scene understanding for autonomous robots is an active research field, and we welcome the latest developments in this Special Issue, such as object detection, semantic segmentation, 3D reconstruction, and holistic reasoning for scene understanding. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

Object detection

● Scene classification

● 3D reconstruction

● Semantic segmentation

● Pose estimation

● Layout estimation

● Affordance prediction

● Saliency prediction

● Holistic reasoning for scene understanding

● Data fusion for scene understanding

Submission Deadline: 31 Dec 2026

 About Intelligence & Robotics

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Intelligence & Robotics (ISSN: 2770-3541) is an international peer-reviewed, gold open-access, online journal edited by Prof. Simon X. Yang. Since its launch by OAE Publishing Inc. in 2021, IR has garnered support from renowned professors such as Tianyou Chai, Clarence W. de Silva, Toshio Fukuda, Aike Guo, Takeo Kanade, and Deyi Li. The Journal seeks to publish articles that deal with the theory, design, technology, and applications of intelligence and robotics, ranging from software to hardware. To date, IR has published 80 articles, which have been included in Scopus (Cite Score Tracker 2024: 2.2), Dimensions, Lens, J-Gate, and Google Scholar, and evaluated by EI and ESCI.