2025 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Visualization (AIVRV 2025)

A I V R V   2 0 2 5

C h e n g d u , C h i n a

- About AIVRV 2025 -

As the leader of the global trend of scientific and technological innovation, China is constantly creating a more open scientific and technological innovation environment, expanding the depth and breadth of academic cooperation, and building a shared innovation community. These efforts are making new contributions to globalization and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

In order to adapt to the changing world in the new era and the rapid development of China, 2025 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Visualization will be held on September 05-07 2025, in Chengdu, China. This conference will focus on the latest research fields of "artificial intelligence", "virtual reality" and "visualization technology", and provide a forum for experts, professors, scholars, engineers, etc. from domestic and foreign universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises and institutions. An international platform for sharing professional experience, expanding professional networks, exchanging new ideas face-to-face and presenting research results, discussing key challenges and research directions faced by the development of this field, with a view to promoting the development and application of theories and technologies in this field in universities and enterprises , but also for the participants to establish business or research contacts and to find global partners in future careers.

Submission & Publication -

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Submission System  (English)

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hot.gif Submitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers after registration and presentation will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex, Scopus.

For more information, please click:    Publication

Call For Papers -

hot.gif The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications


Pattern recognition

Machine vision

Expert system

Deep learning

Smart search

Automatic programming

Intelligent control

Smart robot

Language and Image Understanding

Genetic programming

Natural language processing

Computer Vision and Robotics

Adaptive system

Smart agent

Intelligent control

Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines

Fuzzy set theory

Fuzzy Control and Systems

Knowledge management

Knowledge-Based Intelligent Systems

Visual information processing

Artificial Intelligence Tools and Applications

Health big data

Smart Manufacturing

Visualization and its applications

Visualization and Visual Analytics Theory

scientific visualization

information visualization

Visual Analysis

Visual data processing and processing

Interaction Design and Display Technology in Visualization

Visual Design and Systems

Visual Assessment and Cognition

Large (scale) data visual analysis

Visualization and Visual Analytics Applications

Mining Exploration Visualization

Telepresence and Collaboration

social interaction


crowd simulation

character modeling

Healthcare and Treatment

Evaluation Metrics and Methods

Virtual reality and its applications

System Components

Virtual reality platform

AI Platform for VR/AR

Immersive environments and virtual world generation

Optimized and realistic rendering

The semantics and cognition of virtual reality

depth perception

multimodal perception

Multimodal interaction and VR/AR experience

Application of Remote Sensing Image Processing

Application of virtual human body

Augmenting the Customer Experience with Virtual Reality

Virtual Plant Growth Simulation

Human-computer interaction technology

Mobile and Wearable Technologies and Applications

Multi-sensory experience based on virtual reality

Regions and Digital Cities, Digital

3D data acquisition technology

3D reconstruction of medical images

Virtual Design/Manufacturing/Engineering

Virtual Enterprises and Communities

virtual geographic environment

Virtual reality application and development

Virtual reality for customer engagement

Virtual Reality and Smart Tourism in Smart Cities

Pattern Recognition for Virtual Reality Applications

virtual reality audio system

Virtual reality business model

virtual reality adoption

For more information, please click:

Call For Papers

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Date

Registration Deadline

Final Paper Submission Date

Conference Dates

June 05, 2025

July 05, 2025

August 05, 2025

September 05-07, 2025

- Sponsor By -

